Welcome to the Mockit Server

This is an open-source Mockit server that can be used by developers to simulate API endpoints for testing and development purposes.

About This Project

This Mockit server provides a simple and flexible way to create and manage Mockit API endpoints. It supports authentication, token refresh, and user management, making it ideal for testing and development.

Key Features:

  • Easy to set up and use
  • Supports JWT authentication
  • Real-time request logging
  • Interactive API documentation with Swagger UI

We encourage developers to contribute to this project and help make it even better. Your contributions can help add new features, improve existing functionality, and fix bugs.

Check out the project on GitHub and join our community:

GitHub Repository

Let's collaborate and make this project grow!

API Documentation

Below are the available API endpoints:

POST /api/signin

Sign in a user

Request Body:
  "email": "string",
  "password": "string"

200: Successful sign in
401: Invalid email or password

POST /api/signup

Sign up a new user

Request Body:
  "email": "string",
  "password": "string"

201: User created successfully
409: User already exists

GET /api/user

Get authenticated user details

Authorization: Bearer 

200: User details retrieved successfully
401: Invalid token
404: User not found

POST /api/refresh

Refresh access token

Request Body:
  "refreshToken": "string"

200: Token refreshed successfully
401: Invalid refresh token

GET /api/check

Check if the server is working

200: Server is working

GET /api/users

Get all users

200: List of users retrieved successfully